Case: B2B Marketplace Platform


Manufacturing in Mexico provides a cost-effective and reliable supply chain for U.S. companies, leveraging proximity for faster delivery times and reduced transportation costs. Mexico's robust manufacturing infrastructure and skilled workforce ensure high-quality production standards. 

Optimizing user experience through mapping how the userflows overlap

Problem Statement

Founders decided to focus on this market, decided to design and develop a platform. With lots of ideas about specific features, but not a real user flow, nor complete end-to-end journey. They needed help to start the gears moving.

Goals and Objectives

Complete a MPV to start reaching for feedback and work on improvements.

My role

As a fullstack Product Designer at Lumenalta, assigned to the project, I helped the team plan and shape user flows for different profiles, orchestrated short sprints and long-term strategies, optimized for team strengths, redesigned after user feedback, and developed a comprehensive UX, fully designed interfaces, and a robust design system.

Together we decided to focus on 3 main users, Business Customer, Business Partner and Prima Administrators.

Together we decided to focus on 3 main users, Business Customer, Business Partner and Prima Administrators.

I map the different journeys, and work on an initial design-system that could mature with the evolution of the platform. wanted since the beginning use technology to provide real-time status updates during all stages different End-to-end solutions with improved visibility:

  1. Quoting and Design

  2. Procurement

  3. Production

  4. Quality Inspection

  5. Delivery and Invoicing

Process and Strategy

There was not a clear route on the details for the different journey of doing business for consumers and partners. The challenges were how to asses their need and keep the platform simple and useful.


There was not a clear route on the details for the different journey of doing business for consumers and partners. The challenges were how to asses their need and keep the platform simple and useful. As a designer I focus on:

  1. Creating a unified design system for a complex platform with multiple user types and profiles.

  2. Planning short-term sprints and long-term strategies that leveraged the team’s strengths and knowledge.

  3. Ensuring seamless user flows that catered to the specific needs of different users, from partners to customers.

We employed a comprehensive approach to researching and discovering the diverse needs of our users. Here’s a detailed overview of our process: User Interviews and Surveys, User Personas and Journey Mapping, Usability Testing, Data Analytics, Collaboration with Stakeholders, Competitive Analysis

First Steps

  • User Research and Analysis: Conducted extensive user research to understand the needs and pain points of different user groups, including partners and customers.

  • User Flow Development: Designed detailed user flows for each profile to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience.

  • Planning: Developed a sprint plan that balanced quick-win deliverables with long-term project goals, optimizing for flexibility, scalability and the team’s strengths and expertise.

A design system for Prima.AI encourages innovation and flexibility, seamless interactions across different profiles and supports quick prototyping of new features and ideas.

  • Component Design: Created modular components that could adapt to new web designs and product offerings, such as accounts and credit cards.

  • Consistency and Flexibility: Ensured that the components were flexible enough to handle specific branch offerings without breaking the overall interface.

  • Detailed Documentation: Provided thorough documentation for all design components and user flows, facilitating smooth handoffs to developers and other stakeholders.

Design Decisions

The holistic navigation concept was created in order to unify several sites (domains) under one single navigation bar. This would help users to grasp a holistic view of the bank’s services. The concept is currently implemented.

Complete a MPV to start reaching for feedback and work on improvements.


Design System: Developed a comprehensive design system that included style guides, UI components, and interaction patterns. This system was essential for maintaining consistency, scalability and efficiency in the design and development process.

User Interface: Designed visually appealing and functional interfaces that were tested and refined through user feedback and usability testing.

Collaboration: Worked closely with the development team to ensure that the designs were implemented accurately and efficiently.

Streamline the RFQ process by allowing buyers to define, manage, and communicate detailed manufacturing requirements efficiently.

End-to-end platform UX

Through UX and market exploration the team decided on the different user needs:

Buyer/Consumers Profile

  • Access to Quality Network: Easily connect with high-quality, vetted manufacturers.

  • Documents and certification management: Benefit from optimized organization through Prima's app.

  • Timely and Complete Deliveries: Ensure your orders are delivered on time and in full.

  • Guaranteed Quality: Rely on Prima for thorough quality inspections and adherence to certifications.

Provider/Partners Profile

  • Expand Your Business: Join Prima's network at no additional cost and access new market demands.

  • Efficient Quoting: Receive pre-validated opportunities, allowing you to focus on projects you can win.

  • Material Sourcing: Simplify your procurement process and remove bottlenecks.

  • Maximize Utilization: Increase the use of your machines and staff through tailored project matches.

In, the interface for providers and partners allows them to manage their profile, team, bids, quotes, and project details. Platform

  • Streamlined Operations: Efficiently manage every step from design to delivery, ensuring reliability and efficiency.

  • Quality Assurance: Oversee thorough quality control processes to meet certification and quality needs.

  • Network Optimization: Continuously vet and select top-tier partners to match project requirements.

  • Enhanced Visibility: Provide real-time status updates and end-to-end solutions for improved transparency.

  • Cost Optimization: Utilize a vast network to optimize costs for both consumers and partners.

  • Scalability: Support the growth of partner businesses and the expansion of customer procurement capabilities through efficient project matching and resource utilization.

The administrator oversees various projects, providers, manages contract confirmations, and tracks project progress by updating the necessary statuses.


In my opinion it would have help in speed abstract the journey sooner than later. To match faster technical constrains with design.

  • Improved User Experience: The new design system and user flows significantly improved the user experience for both partners and customers.

  • Efficiency and Consistency: The modular design components and detailed documentation streamlined the development process, leading to faster idea-testing and more consistent product releases.

  • Strategic Alignment: The sprint planning and long-term strategy ensured that the project stayed on track and aligned with’s business goals.


As the Fullstack Product Designer Lead at, I successfully led the design and development of a comprehensive B2B platform. My work included planing for user research, user flow development, sprint planning, and the creation of a robust UX & design system. This project not only improved the user experience but also enhanced the efficiency and consistency of the development process.

Once we have a true first version of the end-to-end journey, Prima left the nest and still growing in their path to success.

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